On the 21st and 22nd May 2019, Showcase under went it’s official Monitoring Visit from Ofsted. The 2-day inspection was led by a team of 3 Ofsted inspectors, one of whom was in training, and evidence gathered included a range of interviews, observation of visits, and telephone sessions with learners and employers. The Monitoring inspection focused on progress towards three main themes:
- How much progress have leaders made in ensuring that the provider is meeting all the requirements of successful apprenticeship provision?
- What progress have leaders and managers made in ensuring that apprentices benefit from high quality training that leads to positive outcomes for apprentices?
- How much progress have leaders and managers made in ensuring that effective safeguarding arrangements are in place?
Showcase are absolutely delighted to have been graded “Significant Progress” across all three themes – the highest grade possible across the board.
Read the full Inspection Report here: https://files.api.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50086307
Out of 226 new-provider inspections since 2018, only 12 including Showcase have been awarded “Significant” across all three themes, putting us in the top 5% of new providers.
Showcase was commended on it’s priority of quality training, communication and relationships with learners and employers, it’s approach to Safeguarding, and the skills and knowledge taught to our learners.
We are extremely pleased with how the inspection went and of course with the outcome. The inspectors made the experience really positive: we learnt so much about the upcoming Education Inspection Framework, came away with so many ideas of how to improve even further, and aim with confidence to achieve an Outstanding grade at our full inspection expected within the next 3 years.
On behalf of all of us at Showcase we’d like to give a special thanks to all of our learners and employers that supported the inspection and allowed us the time and evidence to provide to Ofsted to highlight what we do – we are proud to work with a brilliant range of individuals, and we are truly excited to develop this further in the future.
All the best,
Team Showcase